12月5日我們舉辦了安全用藥啟動觀摩會,邀請記者到場,也發了新聞稿,本篇是網路上找到的其中一篇新聞,若有其他資料將再找時間翻譯。由於英翻中逐字翻譯句子會很難看,而且這個記者寫得有點顛三倒四的,因此翻譯時略加變動,會盡量跟著英文走且原意不變(不過好像變得更詳細了 囧),特此告知!
之後幾篇應該都是計畫相關的文章或者小故事,話說回來一個好幾年的計畫本來就很難用網誌來寫清楚,更何況我才來4個月而已,總之努力努力...,平衡一下貝里斯旅遊的文章,讓大家知道我有在工作= =+
Farmers trained in best practices in the use of Pesticides
Pesticide Control Office yesterday held a launching ceremony for best practices in the use of Pesticides. The Pesticides Control Board (PCB), along with the Food Safety Department of the Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA), the Extension Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources & Agriculture (MNRA) and the Taiwan Technical Mission in Belize launched a voluntary initiative designed to assist farmers in improving their pesticide management practices. The launch took place yesterday at the Central Farm Agriculture Station. The Good Pesticides Management Practice Initiative (GPMP) features a farmer assistance programme which will include a total of thirty-nine (39) farmers who have volunteered to collaborate in this initiative countrywide. Nunato Canto of the Pesticide Control Board explained how the initiative will work.
I would like to inform the other farmers that this project is designed to assist the farmer. The practices that would be conducted at the field, nothing will be changed. It's only the farmers' initiative to follow the recommendations of the Inspectors, and also to commit themselves to minimize the use of pesticides. So whatever they produce at the farm will be free of pesticides. So any farmer could participate. There will be five farmers per District, so any farmer could be able to visit the farmers that are participating. A sign will be posted at their farm, to know so they could go, or ask any of the Extension Officers for more information..
Most of the farmers, who have signed on to the Initiative are involved in full-time, small to medium scale horticulture production for the local market. They have received a minimum 20 hours of training thus far. One of the members of the Taiwan Technical Mission shared on the expansion of the program and its success in various countries.
In Taiwan this technology has been more than 15 years experience. It has worked well in Taiwan, and also we promote to many foreign countries close to Taiwan, like China, Thailand, Vietnam, [and] Korea. Now they use this technology more in all Asian countries, and in Central America in Panama. We also introduce this project to Panama [for] three years, and also have the same technology. It's still working. The Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Agriculture work together to keep this technology working in the Central Market in Belize City.
At today’s launch, collaborating farmers received items essential to the implementation of the GPMP Initiative. Farmers collaborating in the Good Pesticide Management Practices – Farmer Recognition Initiative will be able to qualify for public recognition of their improved pesticide management practices once they properly apply what they have been thought.
由農藥管制委員會、動植物檢疫局食品安全司、自然資源暨農業部推廣部門及台灣駐貝里斯技術團合作推動之安全用藥計畫,昨日於農藥管制委員會辦公室外舉辦啟動觀摩會。此計畫輔導農民接受安全用藥相關課程訓練,以提升貝里斯農民的用藥水準。參與計畫的農民遍及全貝里斯,目前共有39位農民自願參加,農藥管制委員會羅那多‧甘鐸(Nonato Canto,記者打錯名字啦!)將為大家作詳細的介紹。
註1:本次觀摩會主要目的為正式公開介紹安全用藥計畫,英文為Launching Ceremony,中文沒有對照的字…,因此翻為啟動觀摩會。
Taiwan Technical Mission in Belize:台灣駐貝里斯技術團,簡稱TTM in Belize唷!
Free of pesticides:無農藥殘毒,當成名詞的話寫成Pesticides free
Good Pesticides Management Practice:安全用藥